Should You Workout After Bariatric Surgery?

Bariatric surgery is no quick fix. It is a commitment towards a healthier life that pays off if you play by the rules. However, even if you choose to get either gastric bypass or gastric sleeve bariatric surgery from an excellent surgeon, there are a few precautions and steps that you will have to take to ensure that you get the desired results. We’ll discuss whether or not you should workout after bariatric surgery.

Exercising After Bariatric Surgery

In the first few months after the surgery, your path to weight loss is set only if you work out daily and follow the instructed diet. As you know, bariatric surgery leads to rapid weight loss. If successful, this can mean losing up to 70% of the fat from your body. Unfortunately, rapid weight loss can also mean losing lean muscle mass. Having a regular exercise schedule can help you retain as much muscle as possible. This way, you look fitter and reduce the dreaded saggy skin problem that can often occur.

Exercising after bariatric surgery is the safest and the most effective way to maintain your lean body mass and maintain your metabolism which will, in turn, help you lose more weight.

What happens if you do NOT exercise after bariatric surgery?

  • The recovery time for the surgery prolongs.
  • You are at a higher risk of developing post-op complications.
  • With no physical activity, your stress level can increase.
  • You will not lose weight in the right way.
  • Maintaining weight will be difficult after the surgery.

A recent study conducted by the Obesity Journal found that of the 190 patients who underwent this surgery, 68% said that they were more physically active within a year after the procedure. This meant they performed some other form of vigorous or moderate exercise after the surgery. It was also found that those who exercised regularly lost 13.2 more pounds on average than those who were inactive.

The study also found that those who were more active showed fewer signs of anxiety and depression, and had a higher mental health score than those who did not work out.


Anyone undergoing bariatric surgery for weight loss must ensure they take a little time out of their schedule to create a workout routine that they can This can be as simple as going for a 15-minute walk every day. While bariatric surgery is the initial push that you need towards losing weight, it is the exercise regime and proper diet that will help you reach your desired figure and health status.

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